
In your 20s? Know how to Move Forward

  Imagine you're standing at the edge of a vast landscape, the horizon stretching out before you, filled with endless possibilities. This landscape represents your 20s, a decade of transformation, growth, and opportunity. This pivotal decade of your life is like a blank canvas waiting for the bold strokes of your dreams, ambitions, and adventures. Your twenties can be a critical period for laying the groundwork for success in your future endeavors, for a fulfilling, balanced, and successful life, in all senses of the word. Here we will discuss, how you can make the most out of these golden years. Explore and Understand Yourself Your 20s are an ideal time for exploring different interests, passions, and career paths. Invest time in self-reflection to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and values, which will guide your decisions and actions moving forward. Embrace exploration and travel to gain new perspectives and experiences, fostering creativity and adaptability. Diversify yo

Increase Your Intellectual Capacity

      Hey there! Today, we will be diving deep into the realm of cognitive enhancement. Yes, we're talking about how to turbocharge your brainpower and unlock your full intellectual potential. So, grab your thinking caps, and let's embark on this exhilarating journey together! As you may already know, human brain is a learning brain. Neuropsychology reveals that our brains possess an extraordinary capacity for reorganization and adaptation in response to learning, experiences, and environmental factors. Moreover, this ability extends throughout our lifetime. In the realm of neuropsychology, there's a concept that truly captures this phenomenon: neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is like the brain's superpower – it's the ability to reorganize and reshape itself based on what we learn, experience, and encounter in our daily lives. It's a fascinating organ that's constantly evolving, adapting, and rewiring itself in response to our experiences and the world

Want to Succeed in life? Embrace Experimentation

  Failure. Just the word itself can send shivers down our spine. It's often seen as a daunting abyss, something to be avoided at all costs. But what if I told you that failure isn't the end of the road, but rather a stepping stone to greatness? In fact, I encourage you not to become afraid of failures. Fear of failure is a common barrier that holds many of us back from reaching our full potential. We're taught from a young age that failure is something to be ashamed of, something to be swept under the rug and forgotten. But what if we were to change our perspective? What if we were to see failure not as a sign of weakness, but as an opportunity for growth? In the pursuit of success, we often envision a linear journey marked by continuous progress and achievement. However, the reality is far from this idealized notion. True success is often born out of a series of experiments and failures, each serving as valuable stepping stones towards reaching our goals. In this article,

Messed up on a problem? Try Systems Thinking

      Hey there! Today, let's dive into the intriguing world of systems thinking. It's not just a fancy term tossed around in academic circles; it's a powerful mindset that can revolutionize the way you perceive and tackle problems in everyday life. So, what exactly is systems thinking? Think of it as putting on a pair of special glasses that allow you to see beyond the surface of individual events or components and grasp the interconnectedness of everything within a system. Whether it's a biological ecosystem, a bustling city, or even the intricate mechanisms of your own mind, systems thinking enables you to see the big picture and understand how various elements influence each other. Systems thinking is a holistic approach to understanding and analyzing complex systems by examining the interrelationships and interdependencies among their components. It recognizes that these components, whether they are individual elements or subsystems, do not exist in isolation but

Are You Too Sensitive Emotionally?

Earlier, in a blog post, we've discussed Emotional Intelligence (EI) . Today, we will talk about exactly the opposite. And, that is Emotional Oversensitivity. You must be thinking, why it is important to discuss emotional sensitivity. Well, If EI is one of the crucial factors to influence your success, then we equally need to know about “oversensitivity” as it also has the potential to affect your life in a negative way. What is Emotional Oversensitivity? I, in reply, want to share some facts about “emotional sensitiveness”; what is it and what happens when someone is emotionally sensitive. Emotional sensitivity is all about emotions and the intensity of emotions a person experiences. A person is considered highly sensitive if he/she is really quick to detect and respond to the slightest change, signals or influences, than others. Emotionally sensitive individuals have faster reaction time to emotional situations, experience more intense reactions, and are slower to return

Is Asking For Help So Difficult For You?

It’s not as unusual to happen as you think. I’ve seen many people having trouble asking for help. They don’t feel free to ask for help when they need it badly. They often face helplessness finding a way to ask someone for assistance and feel really awkward to ask. Lots of introvert people experience it on a regular basis. If you are the one of those who also feel that “asking for help” is itself a problem, then you are in the exact right place. What’s Stopping You from getting help? When a person is unable to seek help in need, there might be three possible scenarios in his mind. One, when he (everything written in this article is equally applicable for the women) thinks he can fix the issue by himself and he doesn’t need any additional help at all. Two, when he thinks there is no reliable person available nearby he can trust to get help and keeping the matter secret at the same time. Three, when he thinks it makes him feel weak and dependent on asking help to others.

What is Positive Psychology and Why is It Important?

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It has also been defined as the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities, and organizations to thrive. Positive psychology doesn’t essentially mean thinking positive all the time. Rather, it’s about respecting the positive perspective while considering the situation. It is a practice of considering both the aspects, good and bad, desirable and undesirable, pros and cons, or cost and benefit side by side. And finally choosing your responses thoughtfully that can diminish negative element in the situation while holding a positive outlook towards progress and life. Why positivity is so important? Positivity is important to maintain our biological, physiological, and psychological wellbeing. Also, it is a compulsory element in life to stay happy, satisfied and fulfilled. Since it carries the seed of optimism that encourages us to stay hope