What is Positive Psychology and Why is It Important?
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It has also been defined as the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities, and organizations to thrive. Positive psychology doesn’t essentially mean thinking positive all the time. Rather, it’s about respecting the positive perspective while considering the situation. It is a practice of considering both the aspects, good and bad, desirable and undesirable, pros and cons, or cost and benefit side by side. And finally choosing your responses thoughtfully that can diminish negative element in the situation while holding a positive outlook towards progress and life.
Why positivity is so important?
Positivity is important to maintain our biological, physiological, and psychological wellbeing. Also, it is a compulsory element in life to stay happy, satisfied and fulfilled. Since it carries the seed of optimism that encourages us to stay hopeful in any given situation. And, hope acts like a light that helps us to look the bright side even in the darkness. When we feel positive, we see hope in the future, we find possibilities in life. If there is no positivity, there no hope. If there is no hope, there is nothing except a dead end. No action, no plan, no idea. So, a positive outlook helps us to proceed towards progress. It makes us feel confident and courageous in finding a path of solution through the problems.
Why it’s hard to be naturally positive?
It is a rare event to feel or thinking neutral (not positive or negative) towards life. We usually respond either positively or negatively towards anything that matters. And, by default, we choose negativity in things more often than positivity. The actual secret lies in our biological design and genetic pattern. We, humans, are naturally negativity biased species. We give more importance to pain than pleasure. This is because we give priority primarily to our safety and security. And, remembering negative experiences are more useful for us to survive in this hostile world. Pleasure, happiness, or satisfaction has no meaning if we are not safe or always in fear. As a result, many times we give our preferences to the negative perspectives over the positivity while analyzing the situations. In a single line, negativity is our necessity to live life safely, while positivity is only a choice to live happily. This is the reason, negativity almost always comes in our mind as a reflex action, whereas we consciously need to focus considering the positive aspects.
The reality behind positive psychology:
If you observe, you can see, there are a positive side and a negative side in everything in life. Anything good has some bad effects associated with it. Everything bad also has some goodness in it. If you focus on the positive side, you see the goodness. If you concentrate on the negative side, you see the worthlessness. What you see in things, has huge impacts on everything you choose in life. Positive psychology emphasizes on accepting the overall effects (both, positive and negative) and tilting slightly towards the positivity. This is the way, we can neutralize our negativity biased mindset in taking mindful decisions.